UK Treasury
News Analysis: Retired Bank grandees face grilling in BCCI trial
Neil Courtis reports on the Bank of England’s plans for its defence.
Why has Brown ditched his prudence?
Howard Flight analyses the transformation of Gordon Brown's Treasury from fiscal forbearance to public sector profligacy.
UK Treasury reviews cash ratio deposit scheme
Conclusions and recommendations of a UK Government review of the cash ratio deposit scheme for financial institutions. The key conclusions of the review are: The cash ratio deposit scheme continues to be a suitable method of funding Bank of England…
IMF independence
An article in the Financial Times considers a speech made by Ed Balls, the UK Treasury's chief economic adviser, in Washington last week. He argued that the IMF should be independent along the same lines as an independent central bank. This would…
Preparations for terror attack
A UK Treasury paper has looked at the idea of the goverenment taking direct control of key financial institutions, including the Bank of England, in the event of a September 11 style terrorist attack on London. The Treasury stressed it remains open…
Treasury Committee assess euro entry prospects
A series of hearings continued Tuesday with a distinguished panel of experts giving evidence to the UK's Treasury Select Committee on the prospects for UK euro entry. The group called for reform of the ECB with a redefined inflation target and gave a…
Heading for a collision over the euro
ARTICLE - The article suggests that it would be 'extraordinary' were the UK Treasury to recommend entry to the euro after the signals they have sent out since the last general election.
UK Treasury Report - Andrew Large's Appointment
REPORT - UK Treasury Select Committee report on the appointment of Sir Andrew Large as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and Member of the Monetary Policy Committee, released 30 September. The committee concluded, 'We are satisfied that Sir Andrew…
Anger at Hain over timetable for joining euro
UK - The UK Treasury has signalled its anger at Peter Hain, the minister for Europe, for laying out a possible timetable for euro membership.
UK to encourage Islamic mortgages
UK - Moves by the UK Treasury and the Bank of England to encourage Islamic mortgages, investments and current accounts in Britain may be under way.
Speech by Gordon Brown at the Mansion House
SPEECH - Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer, at the UK Treasury has spoken at the 2001 Lord Mayor's Dinner for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London, 20 June.