Federal Reserve System

Fed's Kroszner dismisses decoupling

The recent turmoil has served to reaffirm the adage that when the US sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold, a senior Federal Reserve official has argued.

Fed will shun Mishkin's call for explicit goal

Despite Frederic Mishkin's rigorous advocation, much stands in the way of the departing governor's wish for the Fed to adopt an explicit inflation goal. But it may not need to, writes Claire Jones, the editor of Central Bank News.

BoE's Blanchflower steps up call for cuts

David Blanchflower, a member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee (MPC), issued an apocalyptic forecast about Britain's economic prospects, and urged immediate interest rate cuts of at least 25 basis points to prevent the country falling…

Divorcing money from monetary policy

By paying interest on reserve balances at the central bank's target interest rate, a central bank can increase the supply of reserves without driving market interest rates below its target, says a new paper from the New York Federal Reserve.

Fed investigated Lehman whispers - WSJ

The Federal Reserve called up Credit Suisse, a bank, on the back of rumours that it had closed a credit line to Lehman Brothers, an investment bank, the Wall Street Journal said Thursday.

Fed hawk Fisher softens stance

Richard Fisher, the president of the Dallas Federal Reserve and the lone dissenter on the last two Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) votes, has acknowledged that slowing growth and a slump in commodity prices may stem inflation.

Crime and the city

Arrests follow crime, but an increase in arrests does not necessarily lead to a decrease in crime, finds a new paper from the Federal Reserve of St Louis.

High demand for longer-term Fed funding

The results of the Federal Reserve's first Term Auction Facility (TAF) operation to offer 84-day credit highlight the banking sector's demand for longer-term financing.

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