Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
Scrap bonuses - Basel Committee's Wellink
Bonuses for executives in the financial sector could be scrapped altogether, said Nout Wellink, the president of the Netherlands Bank and the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
EU reveals plans for tougher rules for banks
The European Commission wants to impose more stringent rules on European Union banks in a bid to make the region's financial system more stable.
Basel Committee issues liquidity guidelines
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an influential group of global regulators, has issued its draft proposals to improve liquidity risk management and supervision.
Central banking in paradise: 25 years of the ECCB
As the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank turns 25, Blair Baker and Giancarlo Espejo reflect on the leading role it has played in building financial markets and promoting regional integration
A firm-wide view of risk exposure crucial
Risk concentrations at most financial conglomerates are still mainly identified, measured and managed within separate risk categories and business lines, notes the Joint Forum of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in a new review.
Risk management and regulation in banking
A joint workshop by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London), and the Journal of Financial Intermediation, will be held at the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, 29-30 June 2006.
Spain's Caruana on Basel II: back to the future
In the speech 'Basel II: back to the future' given on 4 February Jaime Caruana of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and Bank of Spain highlights the anticipatory and forward-looking elements of Basel II. The real value of Basel II, he says, will…
Trichet and Caruana on Basel II
The BIS published on 1 July the opening remarks by Jean-Claude Trichet and Jaime Caruana at the press conference announcing the publication of Basel II, held on 26 June.
Caruana asks What next for Basel?
In a speech on the subject of 'What next for Basel?' given on 9 October Jaime Caruana of the Bank of Spain said while many challenges lie ahead for the New Basel Accord, even more lie behind us that we have already overcome. Perhaps it's helpful to…
Bank of Spain's Jaime Caruana on Basel II
In an interview with reuters, the Governor of the Bank of Spain, Jaime Caruana, said there is a unanimous understanding of the need for Basel II. .It is a completely new approach and in that sense you could say that it is a kind of revolution. He…
The benefits of a broader Basel
Ignoring the benefits of a diversified portfolio will penalise developing markets, argue Stephany Griffith-Jones, Stephen Spratt and Miguel Segoviano.
Management and Supervision, Cross-Border E Banking
RESEARCH - Basel Committee Publications No. 93, October 2002. The purpose of this paper prepared by the Electronic Banking Group (EBG) of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is to further the Committee's dialogue with the banking industry and…
Impact Survey of New Basel Capital Accord
REPORT - The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on 1 October launched a comprehensive field test for banks of its proposals for revising the 1988 Capital Accord. The field test referred to as the third quantitative impact study, or QIS 3, represents…
BIS Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - Basel Committee releases survey on internal audit in banks, 28 August. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is today publishing the results of a survey of internal audit issues in banks in 13 countries utilising the framework of the…
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
REPORT - Results of Quantitative Impact Study 2.5, July 2002, released 1 July.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
PRESS RELEASE - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision supports collective action to halt terrorist funding, 17 April.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
PRESS RELEASE - New Basel Committee paper explores roles of auditors and bank supervisors, 21 January 2002.
Clementi-Basel Accord must avoid pro-cyclicality
UNITED KINGDOM - The world's banks and the financial system as a whole should make sure risk-sensitive capital requirements set out in the new Basel Accord don't aggravate cyclical economic downturns, Bank of England deputy governor David Clementi said…
FSA hosts major Basel conference-Apr 10-11
UNITED KINGDOM - The UK's Financial Services Authority is organising a two day conference in London on April 10-11 which will be a key milestone in the UK consultation on the revised Basel Capital Accord and the European Commission's proposals for…
Operational risk measurement- BOJ papers
CENTRAL BANK RESEARCH - The Bank of Japan's financial and payment system office has published a series of working papers on operational risk that have now been revised and improved following comments from readers.
Bank Capital Regulation: Literature Review-Santos
ARTICLE - "Bank Capital Regulation in Contemporary Banking Theory: A Review of the Literature" is a new article in the journal Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, Volume 10: Issue 2, by Joao A. C. Santos at the New York Fed. This paper reviews…
Interview: Walter Shipley
Walter Shipley, recently retired chairman of Chase Manhattan/J.P Morgan, has justchaired a working group on public disclosure aimed at investigating howdisclosure by large US banks and securities firms could be improved. He spoketo Central Banking's…
The New Basel Capital Proposal -Fed Meyer speech
US Federal Reserve Governor Laurence H. Meyer gave a speech on "The New Basel Capital Proposal" at the Annual Washington Conference of the Institute of International Bankers on Mar 5. Meyer says that the Basel proposal may be complex and at times…
Bundesbank joins Frankfurt regulator to slow Basel
Germany's central bank and banking regulator are joining forces in an effort to slow consideration of the new Basel Capital Accord, or Basel II, which aims to modernize the way banks globally account for risk.