Price rises seen in Slovenia after euro entry
The Slovenian Consumers' Association has warned that a wide range of price increases have been seen across the country, as business began trading in euros this week.
HKMA says exchange rate peg important
Hong Kong Monetary Authority chief executive Joseph Yam said it is important to maintain the exchange rate with the HK dollar's peg to the US dollar to safeguard financial stability.
St Louis Fed's Central Banker, Winter 2006
The St. Louis Fed has published the Winter 2006 edition of its Central Banker magazine. In the article 'Anecdotal information makes raw data breathe' First VP Dave Sapenaro looks at the sources of information that inform Bank President Bill Poole when…
St Louis Fed's Regional Economist, January 2007
The St Louis Fed's Regional Economist for January 2007 includes the article 'The economics of eminent domain'. The forced sale of homes for private development usually results in a zero-sum gain and may actually hinder development in the area, economists…
BoE's Blanchflower on the impact of migration
In the speech 'The impact of the recent migration from Eastern Europe on the UK economy' given on 4 January David Blanchflower of the Bank of England said the recent inflow of migrants from Eastern Europe seems to have reduced the UK's natural rate of…
Richmond Fed's Economic Quarterly, Fall 2006
The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond has published its Economic Quarterly for Fall 2006. The latest issue includes the article 'Changes in the size distribution of US banks: 1960-2005' which documents the large changes in the size distribution and size…
HKMA Quarterly Bulletin, December 2006
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has published the December 2006 issue of its Quarterly Bulletin. The Bulletin includes the article 'Financial integration in Asia' which shows that the level of regional integration of Asia's capital and banking markets…
Vietnam widens currency trading band
Vietnam's central bank has widened the band inside which its currency is allowed to trade against the US dollar in a move to create a more flexible exchange rate system, state media reported Thursday 4 January.
New NBP chief nominated
Poland's president on Wednesday 3 January nominated Slawomir Skrzypek, acting president of a major Polish bank, as the next head of the National Bank of Poland.
OECD says ECB rates still below neutral level
The OECD said Thursday 4 January European Central Bank interest rates are still below a 'neutral' level and continue to stimulate activity in the euro zone.
CNB's Tuma says euro entry rules outdated
Czech central bank governor Zdenek Tuma said in an article published Thursday 4 January the conditions for new member states to join the euro are outdated and should be overhauled.
Paper on central bank interventions
The December 2006 Working Paper "Central bank interventions, communication and interest rate policy in emerging European economies" analyses the effectiveness of foreign exchange interventions in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia…
Kansas City Fed's TEN, Winter 2007
The Winter 2007 issue of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's TEN takes a look at the way Americans save. It says that while rates are low, they might not be as dire as predicted.
Fed Reserve Bank of St Louis Review, Jan/Feb 2007
The latest edition of the St Louis Fed's Review for January/February 2007 includes the article 'Milton Friedman, 1912-2006: Some personal reflections.' This article by William Poole says that the recent articles on Milton did not adequately emphasize an…
Thailand 'underestimated' currency controls
Bank of Thailand governor Tarisa Watanagase has said the BoT underestimated the impact of its proposed currency controls on the stock market, which posted record losses recently.
Indonesia appoints two new BI deputies
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a decree, appointing Budi Rochadi and Muliaman D Hadad as deputy governors of Bank Indonesia, Asia Pulse reported.
WAMZ members commit to single currency
According to this article from This Day, published Tuesday 2 January, West African Monetary Zone member countries have expressed commitment to move forwards to a single monetary zone by 2009.
ECB member bank buys gold
The Daily Telegraph in London reported Wednesday 3 January that a member of the European Central Bank system had begun buying bullion, the first such purchase in years.
RBI's Reddy on dynamics of balance of payments
In the speech 'Dynamics of balance of payments in India' given on 16 December Y V Reddy of the Reserve Bank of India said the gross volume of capital account transactions has been rising at a rapid pace, with bi-directional flows.
BoJ's Fukuma on economic & financial developments
In the speech 'Recent economic and financial developments in Japan' given on 24 November Toshikatsu Fukuma of the Bank of Japan said Japan's economy continues to experience a sustained period of moderate expansion with domestic and external demand…
BoJ's Fukui on developments in Japan's economy
In the speech 'Developments in Japan's economy in 2006 and the outlook for 2007' given on 25 December Toshihiko Fukui of the Bank of Japan said Japan's economy is expected to continue its moderate expansion in the coming year.
BIS papers on financial globalisation
On 19-20 June 2006, the BIS held its fifth Annual Conference, on Financial Globalisation, in Brunnen, Switzerland. The BIS published Papers from the event on 28 December.
New name mentioned for NBP president
Polish daily Gazeta Wyborcza reported Monday 1 January that President Lech Kaczynski is considering appointing Prof. Jerzy Zyzynski, head of the Department of Public Economy of Warsaw University, as the next president of the National Bank of Poland.
Slovenia brings in euro with no hiccups
Slovenia successfully adopted Europe's single currency, the euro, on Monday 1 January, crowning its 15-year transition from a republic in socialist Yugoslavia.