Financial Stability
Fiji launches "smaller, thinner, lighter" coins
The Reserve Bank of Fiji completed its currency reform with the unveiling of new 5, 10, 20, 50 cent and $1 coins at a ceremony on Thursday.
IMF's Strauss-Kahn: monetary policy limited
When the real economy has stalled looser monetary policy has only a limited effect, said Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund.
Fed's Kroszner on restoring confidence in MBS
Comprehensive and standardised loan-level data covering the entire pool of loans backing mortgage-backed securities (MBS) was needed so that the underlying credit quality could be analysed more easily, said Randall Kroszner, the governor of the Federal…
Bank's City ambassador gets the nod for deputy
Paul Tucker, the executive director responsible for markets at the Bank of England, will replace Sir John Gieve as the deputy governor responsible for financial stability.
Fed "extremely reluctant" to bail out Detroit
Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, has indicated that the central bank would be extremely reluctant to prop up Detroit's ailing big-three car companies.
Bank Indonesia's Dutch arm bankrupt
Boediono, the governor of Bank Indonesia, has acknowledged that Indover, a unit of Indonesia's central bank based in the Netherlands, is heading for bankruptcy after a local court approved an application for receivership.
Lessons of Northern Rock
A paper from the Bank of Finland analyses the failure to stop the run on Northern Rock and considers what should be done to help prevent the recurrence of such episodes in the future.
ECB's Bini Smaghi on the financial crisis
Blaming the current crisis on the United States might be tempting but would be a mistake, said Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, a member of the executive board of the European Central Bank (ECB).
Indian governor on reducing global imbalances
If easy, quick and unconditional international liquidity was provided during a crisis, then emerging economies may not need to insure themselves by foreign reserves accumulation, said Duvvuri Subbarao, the governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
Japan's Shirakawa on cross-border collateral
A new framework for central banks' operations where domestic currency is supplied against foreign-currency-denominated collateral should be considered in the near future, said Masaaki Shirakawa, the governor of the Bank of Japan.
Danish governor on forthcoming funds
The National Bank of Denmark will operate a new temporary facility from early next year to supplement Danish banks with financing capital, said Nils Bernstein, the governor of the central bank.
Bankers get to put pressure on Bernanke & Co
An American company is giving Wall Street bankers the chance to squeeze Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson by immortalising the three figureheads of US finance in the form of stress balls.
Optimising cash supply
Central banks need to take a business minded approach to their cash-supply function, argues Brian Lang
How to incentivise the financial system
Robert E. Wright argues that regulators – and those they oversee – need better incentives for prudent behaviour
Why Europe needs a Financial Stability Fund
Investors need assurances over the debt of European Union member countries, Daniel Gros and Stefano Micossi argue
Shell shocked: American finance in crisis
A legislative overhaul is coming. Robert Litan says a renewed focus on market discipline and the consolidation of regulatory authority are the priorities
Interview: Raghuram Rajan
Claire Jones spoke to the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund about the policy response to the crisis, particularly the role of the Fund
Interview: Joseph Yam
In this interview the chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority discusses the global policy response to crisis, Hong Kong’s relationship with China and the reserve management in Asia. Malan Rietveld spoke to Joseph Yam
Interview: Masaaki Shirakawa
The governor of the Bank of Japan speaks to Robert Pringle about the lessons from Toyko’s fight against deflation to policymakers around the world today
A chronology of the crisis
A month-by-month account of the greatest banking crisis since the Great Depression
Crisis traverses financial system: HKMA's Yam
The boundaries of the global credit crunch go beyond the markets, with the falls in house prices sparking significant slumps in aggregate demand, said Joseph Yam, the chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.