Monetary Policy

Speech by J.C. Trichet of Banque de France, 12 Feb

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Euro and the Monetary Union' Bank of France Governor Jean-Claude Trichet said there were signs that the European and United States economies were bottoming out after their recent slump. "As regards the present situation…

Argentine Senator revises history

FEATURE - At a conference in London this week, Dr Rodolfo Terragno, a member of the Argentine Senate, set out to refute what he termed as the "fairy tale" version of events that shroud Argentina's experience over the past decade. He wanted to expunge any…

Speech by Eva Srejber of Sveriges Riksbank, 13 Feb

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'A reunited Europe - the roles played by Sweden and the Riksbank' Srejber said "When the Riksbank makes its inflation forecasts, central and eastern Europe will move gradually from being a brief footnote to becoming an…

Speech by David Dodge of Bank of Canada, 31 Jan

SPEECH - In the speech Dodge said "Movements in the Canada-U.S. exchange rate do not yet appear to have reflected the recent developments in our economy. And to the extent that the recent depreciation of the Canadian dollar risks affecting consumer and…

Townhall Meeting with IMF and World Bank leaders

MEETING - IMF Managing Director Horst Kohler and World Bank President James Wolfensohn with Civil Society Representatives Participating in the International Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategies, moderated by Warren Nyamugasira, Uganda National NGO…

IMF News Brief

NEWS BRIEF - IMF's Kohler: Good Start to New Relationship with Argentina IMF Managing Director Horst Kohler said in Washington, D.C. today (13 February).

Fed ready to raise rates this year - Guynn

US - The Federal Reserve may start reversing its series of 11 interest rate cuts if a stronger-than-expected recovery this year rekindles inflation concerns, says Jack Guynn, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Czech central banker opposes ERM

CZECH REPUBLIC - The Czech Republic should spend as little time as possible in an exchange-rate mechanism prior to adoption of the euro, said the central bank's governor, Zdenek Tuma.

Speech by Christian Noyer of the ECB

SPEECH - Noyer called the speech 'Success factors of the euro and the ECB' and said the euro is undervalued against the dollar, but added it was "very difficult" to tell when the euro would rebound, 13 February.

ECB Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - Annual hard copy publication of the: List of Monetary Financial Institutions and institutions subject to minimum reserves as at the end of December 2001, 14 February.

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