Monetary Policy
Speech by Eduardo Aninat, Dep MD, IMF, 20 Jun
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'The Economic Foundations of Peace in Colombia' Aninat said it was his sincere hope that the new administration will be able to find ways to mobilize the multiple talents and goodwill of the Colombian people, and put the…
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
MINUTES - The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday released the minutes of its Federal Open Market Committee Meeting of 7 May 2002, released 27 June.
Speech by Svein Gjedrem of Norges Bank, 17 Jun
SPEECH - Gjedrem said in a speech titled 'The Norwegian economy and monetary policy' that the Norwegian economy displays a number of strong features. Government finances are solid and foreign trade is performing well. Household finances are generally…
Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report, May 2002
REPORT - Germany's central bank has released its Monthly Report for May 2002.
Japan's experience should warn central banks
LETTER - Letter published in the London Financial Times on 27 June from William Smyth.
Has the fourth euro entry test already been passed
UK - In all the coverage of Gordon Brown's Mansion House speech on Wednesday night, it went largely unnoticed that he had in effect declared that one of the five tests for euro entry had been passed. Friday's Financial Times picked up on the story.
Speech by Edward George, Bank of England, 26 Jun
SPEECH - In his annual Mansion House speech George gave a strong signal that interest rates would not be raised at next week's meeting of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee and welcomed the fall in the pound against the euro.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, June 2002
REPORT - The Reserve Bank released the June 2002 issue of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin on Thursday.
Federal Reserve Board Press Release
PRESS RELEASE - The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target for the federal funds rate unchanged at 1 3/4 percent, 26 June.
ECB statistical press release
PRESS RELEASE - Monetary developments in the euro area, May 2002 released 27 June.
Bank of England Financial Stability Review
REPORT - Bank of England Publishes Financial Stability Review, Issue 12, June 2002, 27 June.
27th Annual Economic Policy Conference
CONFERENCE - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Finance and Real Economic Activity Conference, 7-8 November 2002.
Russian Duma overrides bank law veto
RUSSIA - Russia's State Duma has overridden the Federation Council's veto on the law on the Central Bank [CBR], with 389 deputies voting for the original version of the bill, while 300 votes would be enough to make the decision.
Brazil may widen inflation target's 2 point band
BRAZIL - The finance ministry and the central bank may decide to widen the existing two-percentage points leeway above the inflation target set by the central bank, financial daily Valor Economico reported.
IMF - Polish central bank has room for more easing
US - The Polish central bank has room to ease monetary policy further, after its half percentage point rate cut on Wednesday, the IMF said, with some IMF directors urging a more ambitious rate cut strategy.
ECB Working Paper No. 155
RESEARCH - ECB Working Paper 'Youth unemployment in the OECD: demographic shifts, labour market institutions, and macroeconomic shocks' by Juan F. Jimeno and Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela, June 2002. It gauges the relevance of the relative size of…
The slowdown of HK dollar broad money growth
RESEARCH - The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has published research on 'The Slowdown of Hong Kong Dollar Broad Money Growth' by Kitty Lai and Joanna, Yen Ling Shi. It examines the factors leading to the slowdown of broad money growth from about 5% in…
A small macroeconomic model of Hong Kong
RESEARCH - The Hong Kong monetary Authority has published 'A Small Macroeconomic Model of Hong Kong' by Jiming Ha, Cynthia Leung and Chang Shu,June 2002.
Bank of Japan monetary policy decision
PRESS RELEASE - At the Monetary Policy Meeting held today, the Bank of Japan decided, by unanimous vote, to leave the guideline for money market operations for the intermeeting period unchanged.
Ahady plans new currency for Afghanistan
AFGHANISTAN - The new head of the Afghan central bank, Anwar Ahady, has announced his plans to increase the nominal value of the afghani by a thousand with a view to promoting financial stability and attracting foreign investment.
RB of New Zealand criticised by finance minister
NEW ZEALAND - The Reserve Bank of New Zealand's management of monetary policy came under attack from the country's finance minister Michael Cullen today when he alleged that it was failing to interpret the bank's written policy agreement with the…
BOJ intervenes again to defend tumbling dollar
JAPAN - The Bank of Japan intervened three times overnight to bolster the dollar, spending an estimated $5 billion. This intervention, its sixth daily dollar-buying move since late May and the second this week, was in reaction to the dollar's decline…
Ignatyev wants stronger ruble
RUSSIA - Sergei Ignatyev, chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, on Tuesday reaffirmed his desire for a stronger ruble, saying that the bank is adopting a policy that implies a "gradual inflation decline and a certain appreciation of the ruble to…
China & S Korea sign $2bn currency swap deal
CHINA - The central banks of China and the Republic of Korea Monday signed a $2 billion currency swap deal which both sides hailed as a move to enhance bilateral co-operation and regional financial stability.