Monetary Policy

BofE cuts growth forecast amid 'heavy' uncertainty

The Bank of England's Inflation Report is ten years old, Mervyn King told a well attended press conference on Wednesday. He announced a cut in the Bank's growth forecast for the UK economy, suggested he didn't know what the stability and growth pact was…

IMF Working Paper Series

RESEARCH - The Working Paper 'Inflation Targeting Regimes' classifies countries that define their monetary policy framework by an inflation target into full-fledged inflation targeters, eclectic inflation targeters and inflation targeting lite regimes…

Interview with RBNZ governor Alan Bollard

INTERVIEW - In the interview Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Alan Bollard revealed that the central bank is looking closely at the model it uses for forecasting the economy. "Definitely part of what I need to do is get some confidence about what the…

U.S. economy facing more than war - Guynn

The U.S. economy is being restrained by more than just the prospect of war, but an expected pickup in business spending should help it strengthen as the year unfolds, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Jack Guynn has said.

Monetary Policy Committee or Puzzle Committee?

ARTICLE - Perhaps the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee should be re-named the Monetary Puzzle Committee suggests Stephen King in an article. For him the B of E's decision to reduce interest rates last week after Sir Edward George criticised…

Single currency for West Africa "well on course"

The West African Monetary Institute (WAMI) says the planned convergence of a single currency by member countries of the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) is well on course. "Following the landmark decisions in Bamako, Mali, in December 2000, establishing…

CentralBankNet Monday Special Feature

SPECIAL FEATURE - Interest rate setting is abit like gambling with players weighing up the odds and placing their bets. The ECB's announcement last week that it intends to formally recommend a new voting system for its Governing Council will change the…

Lars Heikensten on Sweden's road to EMU

SPEECH - Riksbank governor Lars Heikensten says that direct changeover to the euro from 2006 is good news for the financial sector and will lessen the risk of payment system disturbances. He also emphasised the importance of creating a transparent, clear…

Jarle Bergo on monetary policy in Norway

SPEECH - Jarle Bergo, Deputy Governor of Norges Bank, speaks about the role of monetary policy within Norway's economic policy. The speech was given at the Confederation of Vocational Unions on 7 February 2003.

What role for inflation targeting?

ARTICLE - Former executive director of the Reserve Bank of India, A. Vasudevan, asks whether inflation targeting or multiple objective targeting should be of concern only to central banks. He argues that, generally speaking, monetary policy needs to be…

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