Financial Stability
Garganas on regional financial stability
In the speech 'Regional financial stability around the Eurozone' given on 1 June Nicholas Garganas of the Bank of Greece said it is important to recognize that, as the financial systems of South-Eastern European countries are liberalized and their…
ECB paper on financial stability challenges
The ECB Occasional Paper 'Macroeconomic and financial stability challenges for acceding and candidate countries' reviews macroeconomic and financial stability challenges for acceding (Bulgaria and Romania) and candidate countries (Croatia and Turkey).
Knight on financial stability and globalisation
In remarks on Frederick Mishkin's paper 'Financial stability and globalisation: getting it right' given on 8 June Malcolm Knight of the BIS said highlights a number of dilemmas that countries face when seeking to embrace globalisation.
ANALYSIS: The irresistible rise of e-trading
Technological innovations are making electronic trading the method of choice - even in assets where floor-based trading looked set to dominate. Resisting technology can prove costly for the world's more established exchanges.
BIS' White on financial globalisation
In the speech 'Financial globalisation' given on 19 June William R White of the BIS said the globalisation of financial markets provides both enormous opportunities and enormous challenges.
Consultation paper on Payments System Risk Policy
The Federal Reserve has published a consultation paper to seek information from financial institutions and other interested parties on their experience in managing intraday liquidity, credit, and operational risks relating to Fedwire funds transfers and…
Comment: Passing the buck
The current outcry over American intelligence officials' access to private information linked to international money transfers has raised some thorny issues over who regulates the international messaging and financial telecommunications group, SWIFT.
The IMF's balance-sheet and credit risk
The authors of this Bank of Canada Working Paper examine the characteristics of International Monetary Fund (IMF) lending from the 1960s to 2005. They find that there has been an increase in portfolio concentration and that lending terms have effectively…
Reserve Bank of Fiji chooses LogicaCMG system
The Reserve Bank of Fiji (RBF) has contracted with LogicaCMG for the supply and implementation of an interbank real time gross settlement (RTGS) platform.
Bank of Canada Financial System Review, June 2006
The Bank of Canada has published its semi-annual June 2006 Financial System Review on 15 June. The likelihood that a shock would have a significant adverse impact on the Canadian financial system remains small, according to the Report.
Ingves on regional financial sector assessments
In the speech 'Can regional financial sector assessments provide additional values to the EU countries?' given on 13 June Stefan Ingves of the Sveriges Riksbank said the whole FSAP process was created to meet a specific purpose: to reduce the incidence…
New global note arrangement for debt securities
The ECB confirmed Monday 12 June that the so-called New Global Note (NGN) arrangement for international debt securities is in compliance with the Eurosystem's Standards for the use of EU securities settlement systems in ESCB credit operations.
ECB's Tumpel-Gugerell on payment systems
In the speech 'Drivers for change in payment and securities settlement systems' given on 9 June Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell of the ECB said exploiting technological innovation can be an important means of saving costs, which is a pressing need in the…
ECB publishes SIPS report
On 31 May 2006, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) approved the "Business continuity oversight expectations for systemically important payment systems (SIPS)" report (published Friday 9 June).
ECB's Tumpel-Gugerell on SEPA
In the speech 'What is the outlook for the Single European Payments Area (SEPA)?' given on 7 June Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell of the ECB said the project is on track and many hands are needed for making the SEPA vision reality.
Launching of Bloomberg e-bond trading system
With the support of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Primary Dealer community, Wednesday 7 June, Bloomberg officially launched its e-bond trading system in Sri Lanka.
Norges Bank Financial Stability Report No.1, 2006
The central bank of Norway, Norges Bank, published its twice yearly Financial Stability Report 1/2006 on 6 June. The overall outlook for financial stability is considered to be satisfactory, said deputy governor of Norges Bank Jarle Bergo.
Comment: Sharing the cost of banking crises
The need for an ex-ante commitment to sharing the cost of cross-border banking crises in Europe is suggested in a speech by Eva Srejber and a paper by Charles Goodhart and Dirk Schoenmaker. But is it feasible?
Norges Bank's Annual Report on payment systems 05
Changes in the use of different payment instruments have resulted in a further increase in the efficiency of the Norwegian payment system, said Deputy Governor Jarle Bergo when he presented the Annual Report on Payment Systems at a press conference on 31…
Costa Rica selects OpenLink's Findur
OpenLink, a leading provider of financial and commodity trading, risk management, and operations processing software solutions, announced Monday 5 June that Costa Rica's central bank, Banco Central de Costa Rica (BCCR), has licensed Findur, the company's…
Danmarks Nationalbank, Financial Stability 2006
Denmark's central bank published its Financial Stability report for 2006 on Friday 2 June. According to the report, Denmark is currently enjoying favourable economic conditions.
Sveriges Riksbank, Financial Stability Report 1:06
Sweden's central bank, the Sveriges Riksbank, published its first Financial Stability Report for 2006 on 31 May. The prospects of the financial system managing potential shocks are good, according to the report.
ECB's Financial Stability Review, June 2006
The European Central Bank published its June 2006 Financial Stability Review on 1 June. In the report the ECB said an abrupt unwinding of the US current account deficit could put sharp downward pressure on the dollar and lead to a rise in US long-term…
RBNZ Financial Stability Report, May 2006
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand published its May 2006 Financial Stability Report on 19 May. RBNZ governor Alan Bollard said that New Zealand's financial system is well placed to weather the slowdown in the economy.