Financial Stability

Government still not at the SEPA table

European governments who fail to move on SEPA must be shamed into action, said Jean-Michel Godeffroy, the director general for payment systems at the European Central Bank.

China to be No.2 in payments

China could overtake the eurozone as the world's second biggest payments market early next decade, according to a new report.

Interview: Carlo Tresoldi

"Without intervention it will be difficult to meet the timescale of 2010 for migration to the new Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) instruments," Carlo Tresoldi told on Tuesday.

Tumpel-Gugerell on SEPA for cards

Once SEPA for credit transfers and direct debits are in place, the European Payments Council will devote its full energy on to a harmonised and integrated cards market, said Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, a member of the executive board of the European…

Triple shock leaves Wall Street in disarray

News of the Lehman Brothers' demise, the sale of Merrill Lynch and major concerns over the health of a range of other financial institutions has put the risk of rapid contagion and a systemic meltdown of the financial sector back at the top of central…

A mix of the old and new for central banks

While leading central banks around the world on Monday took similar steps to those seen in recent months to inject liquidity into fear-ridden money markets, the American authorities' response to the latest shocks signals a distinct shift in policy.

Interdependence requires payment overhaul

Central banks need to adjust their oversight of payment and settlement systems to the new reality of heightened interdependence in financial markets, said Haruyuki Toyama, a deputy director general at the Bank of Japan at SIBOS, an industry forum…

We may not meet 2009 SEPA deadline, say banks

European Union banks have said that the introduction of a single euro payments system (SEPA) could face delays after the European Commission ruled they would not be able to charge for facilitating cross-border direct-debit payments.

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