David Hardoon
David Hardoon is a senior adviser on artificial intelligence to Singapore’s Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau and a senior adviser on data science to Singapore’s Central Provident Fund Board. He is also a senior adviser for data and artificial intelligence to UnionBank of the Philippines. Hardoon was previously chief data officer and special adviser on artificial intelligence at the Monetary Authority of Singapore, where he established and led the first-of-a-kind supervisory technology and ‘no-duplication’ data-collection initiatives. He is a contributing editor to Central Banking.
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Articles by David Hardoon
O CBDC, O crypto! Wherefore art thou regtech?
Putting more investment and energy into regtech, instead of solely focusing on crypto and CBDC, would help to secure more of the expected benefits from digital evolution
Balancing data policies: what Covid-19 taught us
New rules are needed for data-sharing at a national and international level, write Theodoros Evgeniou, David Hardoon and Anton Ovchinnikov
The impact of AI adoption on supervisors
MAS’s former data chief says a triad of basic AI training, supervisor data scientist hubs and suptech adoption create strong foundations