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Articles by Central Banking staff

Raiding the central bank to pay the deficit, Egypt

ARTICLE - The official figures issued for the budget deficit only tell part of the story about the state of Egypt's finances. A close look at the pattern of government debt over the past three years suggests that the actual fiscal deficit has been in the…

Mobile phone plan may hasten cashless society

EUROPE - The FT in London reports on 28 June that three major mobile phone manufacturers are negotiating with leading banks so that mobile phones can be made to act as a type of creidt card.

Bank of England - Financial Stability Review

RESEARCH - On 28 June the Bank of England published the latest Financial Stability Review for June 2001. The review contains five articles and the Bank's regular half-yearly assessment of risks to stability.

Interest rate moves around the world

FEATURE - Yesterday, 27 June, the Federal Reserve reduced key US interest rates for the sixth time this year. Here we feature other recent interest rates moves around the world (among the other big central banks the Bank of England has held it's rate…

Federal Reserve cuts rates, by less than expected

US - Alan Greenspan, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board chairman and Federal Reserve governors, ended a two-day meeting yesterday, 27 June, by reducing interest rates, but only by a quarter of a percentage point, instead of the half-point cut that some…

Comparing measures of core inflation

RESEARCH - Todd E. Clark, of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has published an article in the Bank's Second Quarter 2001 Economic Review. The research compares five different measures of core CPI inflation.

Bank of France to cut jobs at banknote facilities

FRANCE - The Bank of France yesterday informed unions of 494 job cuts by 2005 in its banknote production units. The plan, aimed at bringing down the cost of banknote production to improve competitiveness, mainly affects facilities at Chamalieres and Vic…

NBER - US 'recession' may already have peaked

ARTICLE - In a letter to the editor of the Financial Times in London, Martin Feldstein, President of the National Bureau of Economic Research in the US says that even if a recession occurs it will be a long time before it becomes official.

Regulator unveils Japan bank stock buying fund

JAPAN - Japan's top financial regulator on 26 June unveiled plans for a fund to soak up massive amounts of shares owned by banks to cut their exposure to an uncertain stock market, giving Japan's economic reforms a nudge forward.

Blair meets Prodi to discuss euro

ARTICLE - Tony Blair, the UK Prime Minister, held an hour-long breakfast meeting on 25 June to discuss the single currency with Romano Prodi, president of the European Commission.

RBI introduces new scambusting agency

INDIA - The Reserve Bank of India is setting up an agency to specifically investigate scams in thefinancial sector. An RBI-constituted panel, headed by legal advisor to the central bank NL Mitra, at its last meeting held on 23 June in Mumbai gave the…

Capital decision

ARTICLE - The Financial Times, London, on 26 June commented on the postponement by the Basle committee of banking supervisors of the introduction of the new rules on the amount of capital banks must hold.

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