Sarah Breeden and Frank Elderson
Sarah Breeden is the Bank of England’s executive director for financial stability strategy and risk. She was previously executive director for UK deposit takers. Breeden has played a leading role in shaping the BoE’s climate change strategy, and has held a wide range of positions across the bank.
Frank Elderson is an executive board member of the European Central Bank, and vice-chair of the ECB’s supervisory board. He is the chair of the Network for Greening the Financial System, and co-chairs the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s task force on climate-related financial risks.
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Articles by Sarah Breeden and Frank Elderson
Sizing the benefits and risks of our climate ambition
Fixing climate change is likely to entail substantial risks, new NGFS scenarios show. Firms and supervisors must seize this opportunity to adapt, write Sarah Breeden and Frank Elderson