Niels Bünemann
Niels H Bünemann is a communications specialist and freelance journalist. He was principal press officer at the European Central Bank from 1999 until 2014. Niels chairs Central Banking’s communications seminar in Cambridge each year.
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Articles by Niels Bünemann
Book notes: A fly on the RBI wall: an insider’s view of the central bank, by Alpana Killawala
This book offers insights into the inner workings of the growing Indian economy and pro tips on communication
Book notes: Balance of power: central banks and the fate of democracies, by Éric Monnet and translated by Steven Rendall
This short book offers partial insights, but ultimately underwhelms
Book notes: My journeys in economic theory, by Edmund Phelps
Six decades of the Nobel Prize-winner’s thoughts – from micro-foundations of macro theory to the possibilities beyond working, saving and investing
Book notes: The rise of central banks, by Leon Wansleben
The books is at its best when the author focusses on sociological angles related to central bank economics
Book notes: Tumultuous times, by Masaaki Shirakawa
A rare and refreshingly honest description of a governorship that spanned a series of crises
Book notes: How boards work, by Dambisa Moyo
Moyo offers insights into the skills required to be a valued board director, as well as a thought-provoking list of issues that may appear with greater frequency on future board agendas
Book notes: Central banks as fiscal players, by Willem Buiter
Buiter puts a real economic problem into a convincing theoretical frame, and translates it into applicable policy advice
Book notes: Crisis spaces, by Costis Hadjimichalis
“Don’t buy this book, unless you are a dedicated Marxist”
Book notes: Economics for the common good, by Jean Tirole
The book should be well received amid the recent rise in populism
Book notes: The Myth of Independence, by Sarah Binder and Mark Spindel
Politicians would do well to heed the authors’ lessons, but their economic analysis could be stronger, writes Niels Bünemann