Robert Pringle

Interview: Sir Andrew Large

The former deputy governor of the Bank of England talks to Robert Pringle about how officials can better safeguard stability, and bankers’ behaviour in the run-up to the crisis

Bring back Glass-Steagall?

Suddenly, everybody is talking again about separating merchant banking from commercial banking. Ideas that a few months ago might have been dismissed as crackpot - bringing back a version of the Glass-Steagall legislation - now look as if they were ahead…

Why we must say no to nationalisation

In the UK, nationalisation is increasingly being advocated by many experts as a solution to the banking crisis. Such a step would be a disaster for the UK and the City of London, argues Robert Pringle, the editor-in-chief of Central Banking journal.

London's lifelines lack coherence

The dangerously mixed messages underlying the British government's rescue attempts threaten to derail efforts to secure stability, argues Robert Pringle, the editor-in-chief of Central Banking journal.

Without proper incentives we are doomed

The financial system cannot survive in anything like its present form if bankers continue to make profits and taxpayers assume the losses. Yet that is the trend, certainly in the United States with its ill-advised Paulson bailout, and increasingly in…

Why now is the time for the UK to join the euro

Just when nobody is expecting it, now could be a good time for the British government to announce its intention for the UK to join the euro area, says Robert Pringle, the editor-in-chief of Central Banking journal.

Noyer's lonely moment

Robert Pringle, the editor of Central Banking journal, speculates on what kind of questions went through the mind of Christian Noyer, governor of the Banque de France, when he first learned of the Societe Generale disaster.