The IFF China Report 2021

Insight and perspectives from the world’s leaders, premier policy-makers and financiers

Green finance

Green finance has become the focus of numerous infrastructure projects over the past few years. As China has come under greater scrutiny about the scope of its projects, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has evolved to foster sustainability both in terms of debt servicing and infrastructure funding. In 2021, renewable power for the first time made up the bulk of BRI energy investments, as the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated a shift away from fossil fuels. In this section, policy-makers discuss ways to ensure recovery is both economically strong but more sustainable and resilient, and why now is the time for governments to invest in climate projects, pushing closer to the goal of carbon neutrality sooner rather than later. This section also includes the results of the 2020 Global Green Finance Innovation Awards. 


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Inger Andersen, under-secretary-general of the UN and executive director of the UN Environment Programme, discusses the opportunities and potential in the hands of financial institutions for a green economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic

Green finance for carbon neutrality

Climate financing will be the driving force behind the transition to the carbon-neutral economy by 2060 and its high-quality economic development, says Wu Xiaoqing, member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative…

Never let a good crisis go to waste

This is a once-in-a-generation chance to reset our course, says Victoria Kwakwa, vice-president, east Asia and the Pacific, at the World Bank. She posits the inclusion of green development and action against climate change in post-Covid‑19 economic…

Emergency 2030

There has never been a more crucial time to act. Marco Lambertini, director-general at the World Wide Fund for Nature, asks how financiers can innovatively incorporate green finance instruments into biodiversity conservation and turn back the tide of…

Striving for a green bank

Zhang Wencai, vice-president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, explores the role of policy banks in leading the implementation innovation of green finance

Into the green

Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, managing director of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, discusses the role of public finance in green finance implementation and her experiences working with Germany’s first green bond

New bridges for green finance

Zhu Qingfeng, chief finance officer of China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, examines the practices of green finance and sustainable development in the huge state-owned enterprise