The IFF China Report 2019

Insight and perspectives from the world’s leaders, premier policy-makers and financiers

Redesigning the international trading and monetary system

Reform of the financial system that brought about the 2007–08 financial crisis has not gone far enough and advanced and emerging market economies must find a more co-operative way forward to ensure globalisation can continue.


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An international system for all

Reform of the system that brought about the financial crisis in 2007–08 has not gone far enough, writes Zhu Xian, IFF vice-chairman and vice-president of the New Development Bank. Developing countries are demanding greater influence in global economic…

The EU and China – A frank-talking friendship

José Manuel Durão Barroso, IFF co-chairman, former president of the European Commission, and former prime minister and foreign minister of Portugal, takes a personal look at four decades of working in a spirit of openness and co-operation with China

After the storm

A decade after the financial crisis, Li Yang, director of the National Institution for Finance and Development, looks at shadow banking and central bank priorities, and how a new global order and new rules emerged from the wreckage

Internationalising renminbi – Hong Kong leads the way

Hong Kong’s advantages in technology, talent and infrastructure make it best placed to form the primary transaction and risk management network for the overseas offshore renminbi market, argues Zhou Chengjun, IFF Academic Committee member and deputy…

Playing fair – Unlocking the horns of China and the US

Nicholas Hope, IFF Academic Committee member, former director of the Stanford Center for International Development, and former director of the China programme of the World Bank, discusses the trade standoff between China and the US, and suggests more two…

The turmoil test for emerging and advanced economies

Greater integration between advanced and emerging market economies during globalisation has made both more susceptible to risk of spillover – financial contagion and volatility. As the US continues to normalise its monetary policy, deputy governor of…

FIEs – A fair hearing, please

Recognising the importance of foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) to China’s growth, Harley Seyedin, special adviser to the chairman at the George H.W. Bush Foundation for US-China Relations, calls for new mechanisms to stop FIEs falling foul of local…